Please call us for more information:
Fax line: 410-510-1182 | 410-929-8449
Phone: 410-929-8449 | 443-600-9915
License Number R4058R

About Us

Your home is an entirely different environment from the hospital. It is also different from other clients’ homes so why should you get a one-size-fits-all kind of care?

Adassah Health Resources, LLC

 is licensed as a  Staffing and Residential Service Agency by Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Office of Health Care Quality.

Adassah Health Resources, LLC

 we work with YOUR needs in mind. The care you get will be as unique as you are and specifically designed for implementation in your unique home environment. Our residential services agency is committed to the delivery of such services based on our Mission and Vision:

Mission Statement

To achieve the overall satisfaction of the client and the family members by providing quality, comprehensive and personalized care in the safety and comfort of the client’s home – such care will be delivered with respect, integrity and patience which are the core values of our organization.

Our Vision

For patients to find solace, safety and comfort in their own homes despite health issues brought about by illness or disability…

Non-Discrimination Policy

Adassah Health Resources, LLC

 shall promote equality in employment practices and service provision. In observation of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, services, programs and/or benefits shall be equally provided without regard for race, religion, sexual orientation, gender, color, national origin, age, disability, economic status, or social status.

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